Sunday, April 17, 2011

HSTARC2: Reaction Blog (Le Corbusier)

Windows of Secretariat Building in
United Nations Headquarters 
Le Corbusier, famously known as the pioneer of the Modern Architecture/ International Architecture. He was born as Charles-Edouard Jeannerete. According to several resources, Le Corbusier got his name from his grandfather LeCorbesier, it was a psuedonym. He also believed that anyone can be reinvented.

Jeanerete was a really talented man. He was more than just an architect, he was a painter and an interior designer. He concentrated more with buildings and structures made up of steel and reinforced concrete. He traveled so many countries that's why International Architecture was his forte. He taught in Le-Chaux-de-Fonds in Switzerland, due to the war happening in Paris. 

Jeannerete was also a painter; in 1918, Le Corbusier met Cubist painter Amedee Osenfant. He influence Le Corbusier to paint. Since then, the two were perfect partners when it comes to art movements. They even made their own art which was later on to be called as Purism (Something I never have heard.)

Like Wright, Jeannerete also had many wives. Women whom he met at a ship, and he'd make nude paintings of her; Then to a dress-maker and a fashion model. (Architects really do have the swag. :> Hahaha.)

Le Corbusier was also famous for stating the 5 points of Architecture.
Villa Savoye; Paris, France
  1. Open floor plan independent from the supports
  2. Vertical facade that is free from the supports
  3. Long horizontal sliding windows
  4. Roof gardens
  5. An innovative urban planner

A couple of his famous quotations:
"The house is a machine for living in."
"By law, all buildings should be white."

Jeannerete was also an interior designer.

HSTARC2 Blog update:

American Architecture
Growth of European States
Industrial Revolution
Arts & Crafts
Art Nouveau
Beaux Arts + Neo Gothic
Art Deco
International Architecture
Louis Sullivan
Frank Lloyd Wright
Le Corbusier
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

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