Monday, April 18, 2011

HSTARC2: Reaction Blog (Growth of European States/ Neo Classicism)

Growth of European States
(I don't know if this is included but here's a short introduction to it. )

It was when King Louis XVI was still the king of France. He failed to fulfil his promise to the people, that's why the France had the French Revolution. Later on, the Legislative Assembly decided to suspend the king from his position, and should be imprisoned, and then sentenced to death.

This started the progress of European countries. Just because the carelessness of a king postponed the rise of these European countries.

The Rise of Europe

Basically, the Rise of Europe started when colonialism started. The trade of materials started in the Atlantic ports. Colonialism really showcased the changes that has transpired through the Western Countries, shown at the Architectural features it made. We can recall the different types of Architecture in the Pre-Colonial Era. They borrowed ideas from one another and just modified it more. This was a crucial part of Europe because this was also the time where their economy was rising because the trades from other countries; attracted the high classes to demand to protect their properties. In this era, ownership also was born. Everyone was naming their lots and houses which leads to Capitalism (my blog), but that's a different story already.


Neo Classicism
The White House; Washington, D.C.
Neo Classicism means the revival of the classic and ancient Architecture. Neo Classicism was an architectural type that had 1/4 Rococco, 1/4 Late Baroque and 2/4 Classical Greek characteristics.

Its architectural elements are:
  1. Symmetrical shape
  2. Tall columns
  3. Triangular pediment
  4. Domed roof
The best example in today's Neo Classicism is The White House in Washington DC.

HSTARC2 Blog update:

American Architecture
Growth of European States
Industrial Revolution
Arts & Crafts
Art Nouveau
Beaux Arts + Neo Gothic
Art Deco
International Architecture
Louis Sullivan
Frank Lloyd Wright
Le Corbusier
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

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